The Centre focuses on research and executive development for company managers (irrespective of company size) and for public officials.
In 2017-2018, the AECIT is carrying out research on:
Reciprocity and fairness: Do soft principles have a place in trade law
Evidence based trade negotiations: How to achieve inclusiveness
Executive Development
All programs are tailor made. They are designed to serve the missions of AECIT.
Emphasis is given to capacity acceleration in small and medium sized business and for their integration in the future AfCFTA. These programs are developed in cooperation with Centre for Entrepreneurship of Henley Business School, one of the leading centres of expertise globally. In all programs, the Centre’s approach is on markets as an integral part of societies, on the inter-actions of the public and private sector for sustainable wealth creation and distribution and on the entire value chain of companies, including the often overlooked part provided by governments and supra-national institutions. Henley Business School is one of the world’s premier executive education providers, whose alumni network is ranked n.1 in the world by the Economist is 2017 for ‘potential to network’. Apart from a range of accredited qualification programmes, which can be adapted to different context, issues, and disciplines, AECIT and Henley Africa provide innovative and original custom-designed programmes, designed on demand, for the public and private sector.Examples are:
- Innovation and leadership programmes
- Management of scientific, research, fintech and technology organisations and businesses
- Management skills for public sector organisations
- Management and growth of creative enterprises
- Management and organisational skills to build resilience and sustainability in agriculture, healthcare, major projects and infrastructure development
- Governance, control, accountability and ethical leadership
- Entrepreneurship, business model innovation, early stage business growth
Policy Research & Advice
AECIT supports the High Level Group on EU Trade Policy Innovation, chaired by John Bruton, former Prime Minister of Ireland and former EU Ambassador to the USA. This public-private think tank has been enlarged with African officials and business representatives to work now on the realization of the AfCFTA.
To launch a new conceptual framework, focused on investment and trade instead of development aid, AECIT organized two round tables with experts to discuss how such a new paradigm could look. The one focused on innovating Africa’s marketplace, emphasising the key roles of research & innovation’, and was held in Johannesburg 6 November 2018. The second one examined the possible re-design of the framework for investment and trade through a future Partnership between the African and the European Union’, and was held in Brussels 6 May 2019.Think Tank
In order to investigate potential reforms in trade agreements to combine the benefits of free trade with better management of its collateral effects, the Center participates in the independent High Level Group on Trade Policy Innovation*, a partnership between European governments, the EU Commission, corporations and academia. The High Level Group is chaired by John Bruton, former Prime Minister of Ireland and former EU Ambassador to the USA.
Their purpose is to examine practical adjustments inspired by the economic theory of Nicholas Kaldor and John Hicks, or the work of Vilfredo Pareto, and more recently Bertil Ohlin (Nobel Prize 1977) or Joseph Stiglitz (Nobel Prize 2001).
Round Table Agenda Summary Of Discussions
Round Table Agenda Summary Of Discussions
Round Table 6 November 2018:
Round Table Agenda Summary Of Discussions
Round Table Invitation Program Brussels 6 May 2019:
Round Table Agenda Summary Of Discussions